Tuesday, August 19, 2008

200.07 - Missing Lead Zeroes

Are you constantly frustrated with MS Excel, because it keeps removing that leading zero from your inventory number?

Yeah, me too!

The problem is Excel automatically sees the data as a number and since the leading zeros have no value in numbers, it gets rid of them.

It's convenient when you're actually dealing with numbers, but a pain when it's a part number or an ID number.

A quick and easy way to get Excel to leave your zeros alone is to change the cell format to text.

There are a few ways to make the change, so let's go over a couple of them now.

One way to handle the situation is to first highlight the cell(s) to change.

In older versions of Excel, you need to go to the Format menu, Cells choice.

In Excel 2007, click on the arrow in the bottom right hand corner of the Number section under the Home tab on the ribbon.

Under the General tab (

Now, I'd like to wrap up with one last thought. If you only have a few cells to change, you could just type an apostrophe before entering the data (for example, instead of typing 0123 in the cell, type '0123).

When you hit the Enter key, the change is made instantly for that cell only. Once again, your zero is safe and sound!

Number tab in Excel 2007), choose Text from the Categories list and then click OK.

Contributing Source
World Start

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